The truth in life is lost with insincerity. A lonely life is gained once you accept insincerity. Fake promises, unattainable, unsustainable, draining on the soul is insincerity. Among millions, one cannot pretend, words do not make or break friends, it is insincerity. Actions alone, hold truth to reality, words like “how are you”, “I am sorry” “how is your day” are empty when you live with insincerity. kindness must be natural, must be real, it cannot be selective it cannot be surreal. I do not live by illusion, if I ask I mean it, to me it is not a reflex, a false inquiry, to me it is a genuine interest with no date of expiry. When you really do not care please do not insult with me with false pretense, fake words, pretend interest, just treat me normally with no interest, and be fair, a simple hey, a simple yo, a simple what up is suffice you know. Leave genuine interest to those who care, be real, be genuine when you feel it, be it, see it, then you are true to yourself. Insincerity has no place among truth, no life among friends, it is an illusion a life of pretend…Poetry by Dean
Copyright © Dino Clarke | Year Posted 2017
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