Inside the Mind of a Teenager
My head is held high
Despite what I'm going thru
I won't cry
Because it doesn't solve anything
I like to look at life
And say things will get better
Like to tell myself
That I can face the stormy weather
I know that God has my back
And my smile will soon return
Wondering is anyone listening
And does anybody know who I really am
A lot of people would say
She just another teenager
But come to find out
That things are quite different
Despite my situation
I laugh and not cry
My head is held high
My God only know why
I sat awake at night
Crying silent tears
And just why I have so many fears
And he comforts me in the midst
God I love you
And through this I say
I trust you through my circumstance
Copyright © Jasmine Whipps | Year Posted 2010
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