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Inside the Hilton Hotel With Rats

All I hear of Hilton Hotels is terrible, making mistakes but taking the money, slanderous to staff now that ain’t funny, acting all proper job when a proper nob, discrimination I can prove seeing certain staff removed, we had no HR we could turn to the manager had no concern for staff like you setting me up to be disciplined and sacked somewhat misfired though that plan, fact, and when I was eventually fired it was illegally done I’m no liar, if Hilton Hotels challenge this poem as libel then I will prove it’s not a lie I will, they keep managers that manage like monsters power mad heads become like satanic imposters, this manager got sacked but still works for them he's the manager of the York Hilton they charge too much care too little so to Hilton Hotels here’s my middle!!!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 7/31/2019 9:24:00 AM
Oh, wow, Nick! Some of these hotels are owned by greed not customer service which follows they will not take care of their own. The golden rule missed. They follow the smell of green. Catharsis through poetry...i hope hope hope you feel better. The best thing you can do is move on. I know from my own unfair situation. And God was so good as I let go. I hurt, mind you, but God gave me only good things. That’s what I hope for you.
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