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Inner Beauty

Dirty, matted fur, with clumps missing Black fur, but looks brown form mud This stray cat has had a hard life Thrown out by it owners Abandoned on the streets Lost more fights then she can count This stray cat has had a hard life No place to call home No food to satisfy her huger No water to quench her thirst This stray cat has had a hard life One day this black cat Meets a white, a white cat The most beautiful cat she had ever seen This stray cat wants nothing more than to fit in The black cat wishes to change She wants to be like the white cat She jumps into a bucket of white paint This stray cat wants nothing more than to fit in Now with fur white as snow Fur sticking up on all sides With the stench of paint This stray cat wants nothing more than to fit in The white cat approaches With her eyes flooded with concern She gesture for the black cat to follow her This stray cat wants nothing more than to fit in The white cat takes her to a pond The black cat is nervous She thinks without the paint she is ugly This stray cat wants nothing more than to fit in The white cat looks her in her eyes And says "you are perfect just the way you are" The black cat gets in the pond Her fun now black again The white looks the black cat in the eye And says confidently "your fur is black as night" "our eyes are like artic pool" "they sparkle like a diamond" "and they shine like the moon" "you are beautiful on the inside" "and that is all that matter" "i see your inner beauty" "and if they can't see it" "then they are blind" This stray cat has had a hard life But still she smiles like she nothing happened This stray cat used to want nothing more than to fit in This stay cat does not care what you think So don't even try This stray cat is perfect just the way they are And if you can't your blind

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 2/28/2024 12:06:00 AM
I love this! You chose such an interesting topic to write about!
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Date: 2/27/2024 12:23:00 AM
A lovely poem. Well done.
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Book: Reflection on the Important Things