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As individuals in this present space and time We travel valleys of the dammed And are expected at the same time To enjoy and observe very closely the amenities within. The only true knowledge an individual can expect From the adventures I am speaking about Is to travel the depth of this education And to recover from such a depth without losing identity. The reward of such an adventure And still recognize the identity within Is the greatest of all. Being the person that we are And exploring all avenues as we do We have had to encounter the ultimate heights As well as the devasting lows. However my admiration you do hold at its attention And this you know The ingredients of my admiration Only you can unlock...within our journey. The space and distance between you and I Are always fulfilled with admiration of the other one And self love within. When space and time have to be shared with individuals A label has to be attached It becomes known in a category as companions. The ecstasy of all companions is for the chooser to choose The amenities within our companion varies each day Therefore the true identify of oneself has to remain. The degree of understanding also has a limit That limit is what provides avenues It is ones decision as to that degree of limitation. This is why companions become a part of our lives As an individual or kept at a distance. I truely believe the attention we both have shared And the reflection I gather Even from a distance Assists the movement of time And to me this is the ultimate height Without the agony of fear. The releasment of all expectations You do have the gift to bring out in me As well as I have with you.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2007

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