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Independence , Self- Government

Africans chose independence, colonizers accepted their wishes And  brought them neo-colonisation Which  looks like modern incarceration As they have limitations of rights Locally and internationally Which is opposing liberty And so called democracy. Some people of good hearts out there, What do you think when Africans banks Reserves are in control of some colonisers? As  colonisers continue  taking decisions on all African matters  proves the inexistence of the African Union institution. What is a next good move for Africa and Africans? I can see some riots of many Africans and chasing out some western soldiers  in different UN peace missions,  pointing them to be wars promoters And robbers of their natural resources. People of good hearts do you accept their claims? In democracy we must understand the voices of the majority,  if not... it is an  imposition which is much dictatorial. People of good hearts don't you smell the arrogance of some world leaders? Where love operates,  there are  no some colonizers who dictating other leaders. There is no so called democracy which is neo- colonisation. July 2nd 2023

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