Inconvenient Wisdom
Instant individual redemption
from predative enculturation
is overly spiritualized,
under naturalized,
rightwing evangelical dogma
more likely found in empire-building
strong business-loyalty development texts
than multi-enculturing
re-ligioning nature/spirit scriptures.
If spiritual
and capital redemption from baseline natural evils
is good news for individuals,
yet inapplicable to global EarthTherapeutic potential,
then what inconvenient truth remains
bad news for retributive
win/lose competitive
EcoPolitical justice models
With intrinsically felt
RightWing dissociation
from LeftWing win/win wisdom truths
for globally optimizing individual health
and nondual
re-connected natural/spiritual global wealth?
When Jesus was confronted
by RightWing Pharisees
about the justice/injustice
of stoning a woman accused of infidelity,
for lack of monotonously blind loyalty
to her male owner,
Jesus's response
did not focus on the individual's need for redemption
or irredeemable need for punishment;
Let the one individual among you
without universal sin,
without any personal history of inconvenient unhealthy truths,
cast the first lose/lose DeathCulture
self-righteously winged stone.
When leftbrain dominant ears
hear Jesus's LeftWing restorative justice response,
we quickly marginalize it's radical
revolutionary call out against traditional
RightWing dominant commitment
to retribution,
to society's revenge against the inconvenient individual,
to hot red-blooded "vengeance is mine"
says a wrathful God
the StraightWhitePatriarchal super-anthro Image
A LeftBrain all Guilt
or all NotGuilty idolatry
made in capital-worshipping
natural, so not inconveniently spiritual,
Business As Usual predative
competitive social punishing system.
In today's LeftBrain dominant
professional civil service
nation-imaged preoccupation,
Death by stoning
is cruel and unusual punishment,
although lynching might feel
like appropriate social distancing
against a lesbian
stoned and substance addicted murderess
Which sidesteps co-messianic potential
for win/win restorative justice,
for re-connection,
natural/spiritual integral re-ligioning
synergetic re-membering
that choosing not to perpetuate stone-throwing,
to no longer invest in RightWing retributive DeathWorship
with punishing weapons against individual loser sinners
reducing their value
as measured and judged in exclusive
decontextualized reaction
to an individual's worst sociopathic day,
worst anti-social choices
Rather than re-contextualizing
re-connecting guilt and blame and shame
re-membering, as well,
RightWing inconvenient truths
of our first and best win/win ecotherapeutic days
of infancy;
pre-leftbrain dominant innocence
of cruel and unusual
self/other punishing
loser blame/loser shame
hypocritical injustice systems
Hiding from our own recessive
shy LeftWing
spirit of natural health/nurturing wealth
democratic bilateral integrity selves
emerged from matriarchal EarthMothers
Not choosing to further wound
less than perfect win/win individuals
and communities,
and privileged fake-wealthy societies,
competitive states
too Red RightWing patriarchal
FirstWhite WesternWorld
capital worshipping win/lose
unforgiving HumanNature
as a political
and economic
mercifully co-redemptive act
Born of solidarity
in this inconvenient interfaith truth
we have all RightWing win/lose sinned
against Earth's regenerate
co-redemptive Right/Left-Wing
co-operative bicameral
ego-patriarchal and eco-feminist resonant health
and ecological/theological resilience building
for restoring EarthJustice wisdom wealth
of win/win opportunity
for all multiculturing interfaith EarthTribes.
It seems an inconvenient truth
that RightWing political powers
are misused to focus attention
on punishing ourselves
for our worst catastrophic
leftbrain dominant predative choices
Rather than resolved toward bicameral balance,
resonance to refocus,
to globally re-ligion,
to ecologically and theologically re-member
Neither humane/divine Jesus
nor any Great Redemption Teacher,
Multicultural Mediator,
would divide
what leftbrain Divines
and rightbrain interdependent Earthers,
what Yang polycultured strength
and Yintegral multicultured his/her-storic flow
have wisely brought RightWing and LeftWing
naturally and spiritually unstoned together
Aware of this restorative justice potential
perennially recreative,
and yet RightWing inconvenient,
We have always gathered better
to get stoned LeftWing re-ligioning wisdom
than to religiously RightWing throw stones
against blaming selves
for shaming Others
profoundly more RightBrain inductive-positive alike
than LeftBrain reductively disparate
hopelessly unredeemable
dark and sinister Losers.
Copyright © Gerald Dillenbeck | Year Posted 2020
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