Incarceration 2020
I served jail time in 2020 alright!
Sleepless were the nights, stuck on to the lights.
My cellmates said Woof Woof, Meh Meh and Meow!
Locked behind bars that opened from the inside,
When the year started I had no idea I was in for this ride.
I served jail time in 2020 alright!
Prison really changes your life and habits,
In order to keep my food I had to become a beast.
My cellmates said Woof Woof, Meh Meh and Meow!
There were times we were allowed to get sunlight,
The confinement yet little freedom ended in a fight.
I served jail time in 2020 alright!
We grew a family bond concealed in a hole,
Our language barriers were broken and gone.
My cellmates said Woof Woof, Meh Meh and Meow!
An unsolicited world changing experience to bear,
To make the world great again was the word in the air.
I served jail time in 2020 alright!
My cellmates said Woof Woof, Meh Meh and Meow!
-Inactive Volcano
Copyright © Rahima Espat | Year Posted 2020
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