In This Day of His
~In distress, life is a stress~
Changes is in the heart of a man
The pain he feels is also in the heart
The subconscious will and wish of a man
Is also the subconscious action within the heart
Rejection is a reflex and a weakening
That makes man helpless
The only solution to his problem
Is also from the heart
Battle of sexes and battle to be free
This same unforgotten battle
And battle for freedom
Also resides within the heart
Maternal admiration
And battalion slaps
Are what makes a man
To become a man
If can’t be barbarian
And weep nil to the sky
Then the man -in this heart-
Is unworthy of a man
To withstand boredom whispering
And ungovernable temptations
It all requires a pure heart
Like the heart of a real man
Away from home
And success- a want to hold
It all requires tolerance
Like the heart of a real man
Changes is inevitable
It happens to every life
Far from what minds could say
Perhaps in time immemorial
The way to be steady
And grab the destiny
Is to remain being that real man
With the heart of his own.
Copyright © Abdulhafeez Oyewole | Year Posted 2013
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