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and post notes and photos about your poem like Millard Lowe.
Yesterday, you were two,
Today, you've become one;
A single string, knotted
Into a bow of eternal love:-
As trials and tribulations
test and tease your string,
The tighter the boe-knot
Must bind itself:-
An ocean's salt and its water
Do not flow in separation;
Rather, they flow as one wave:
Yet, the water remains water
And the salt remains salt:-
Thus must be the flow
Of the bow of your love
In the ocean of marriage:
1 x 1 = 1 frothing wave:-
Let your union ever be
Like the sun and the moon:
An embered reflection of
Life-giving life in blessed oneness:-
Know that love is eternal
And cannot be altered;
She is and can only be
Who and what she is: LOVE!
Always know that love is of God,
Impervious, and surpasses all things;
May you forever be blessed
To sip divine grace from love's saucer:
Her divine cup forever overflowing:-