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In the silence of the evening, when thoughts intertwine in unseen whispers

In the silence of the evening, when thoughts intertwine in unseen whispers, I seek a path that leads beyond the narrow boundaries of society, Where I can see how human potential is stifled or flourishes, And only then can I grasp the profound essence of my humanity. For the herd is a vital dance, a symphony of beliefs and perceptions, Where reality is shaped by shared views and shared feelings, More than what my senses or my silent reason tell me, And in this harmony, my self dissolves into social patterns. Identity, like a mask worn in the dull scenario of the everyday, Its deep roots in conformity with common clichés, For "they" are what they are supposed to be, not what they dream to become, And the fear of ostracism is the fear of losing the sense of self. This double fear is a wind that shakes every soul, Preventing its flight toward open and infinite skies, Where conscience becomes the compass that guides bold steps, In the discovery of truths beyond imposed limits. The freedom to act according to one’s conscience is a rare gift, Which depends on the ability to transcend society like a butterfly, To become a citizen of the world, not just of a corner of the earth, Where every step is a dance on the broad stage of shared humanity. Thus, my journey is a series of silent questions and discoveries, In search of a meaning that embraces the entire existence, Where identity is not just an echo of imposed expectations, But a unique symphony, sung with the voice of all my dreams.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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