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In the Roller Coaster Ride of Life

In the roller coaster ride of life – I hunger for some time where I can stroll deep in memory lanes and cherish the moments of past, which are waiting like clouds of joy to comfort me before I lose hope. I hunger for a quiet corner where I can be with my thoughts and the words that flow from my pen portray a beautiful poem that is caged in me for a long time and needs devotion. I hunger for some emptiness where I can fill new dreams, that could bring a change in the world around me, for the generations to come I want them to know, that I gave purpose to my life. July 23, 2019. Contest name: Hunger Sponsor : Silent One

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 8/18/2019 2:44:00 PM
yes, this is life.. well expressed.. Congratulations on your placement in the contest..
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