In the Realm of Shadows
“Even though I walk through the darkest valley,
I will fear no evil, for you are with me;
your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”
Psalm 23:4
Teach me, my Lord, how to live according
words of the Spirit and daily the Bible trust,
neither resentment, nor anger, or rancour hoarding,
for to be merciful and forgiving I must.
I’m in the realm of shadows, where hearts are harder
and where Satan is ruling, our common foe.
Help me to love you, Lord, with a greater ardour,
if in the darkest valley I have to go.
How to live in this world, where darkness abounds?
things are absurd, and sins are becoming laws,
where demonic force more and more surrounds,
quietly at my heart anxiety gnaws.
Something’s disturbing me, I can’t tell, it’s blurry,
but in the world of fraud, deceit, and intrigue,
possibly it’s for my children some deepest worry
or maybe I am struck by regrets or fatigue.
The callous world is deaf to God’s revelations
and to suppress the truth it frantically tries,
a shroud of falsehood envelops entire nations,
minds of people are trapped in the devil’s lies.
I am, it seems, in this world no longer needed,
and sleepless nights, perhaps, my hopes erode.
Yet, in my deepest core I cannot be defeated,
faith in You, Lord Jesus, cannot corrode.
Should I dare to grumble, if even You,
God in the flesh, walked on earth on the dusty roads,
tiredness and fatigue so well You knew,
overwhelmed with people's complaints loads.
Should I bemoan my losses, when even You,
being abandoned by friends at the biased trial,
with the exception of very few,
and you experienced then your disciple’s denial.
Should I groan from hurt, when the King of kings,
You by the Roman guards were hit on the face,
You, the Creator, from whom any life springs,
with Your forgiveness repentant sinners embrace.
Being betrayed, and spat at, and crucified,
with mocking crowds of mob laughing at You,
You for their sins on the cross had died,
staying to God alone faithful and true.
Risen from death to life, You are giving hope,
when in this darkened world any hope dies.
Setting my heart on You, I can now cope,
and from my grief and pain my soul can rise.
This is an English version of my poem
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Copyright © Albina Kumirova | Year Posted 2022
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