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In the melancholic hour of introspection, where twilight paints the sky with sadness

In the melancholic hour of introspection, where twilight paints the sky with sadness, Religious souls often walk, hand in hand with righteousness, Forsaking the tender embrace of compassion for the cold certainty of being right, Clinging to a fragile mantle woven from threads of egotism, As if their faith could ennoble their identity with divine approval. In the sacred sanctuary of belief, they build altars to their own image, Domesticated echoes of God's infinite transcendence, Reduced to comforting whispers that mirror their desires, Learning of the Divine as children learn of Santa Claus, Yet allowing those notions to ossify, remaining infantile and unchallenged. Oh, irony, as we cast aside Santa’s joyful illusions, Maturing our visions of myth and childhood fantasy, While our understanding of the Eternal remains in the naivety of youth, Unprepared to confront the vast, untamed wilderness of divine transcendence. Here, in the labyrinth of our minds, echoes of childlike perceptions resonate, Yet the true divine is an unfathomable abyss, a dance of shadows and light, Beyond the gilded cages of our self-fashioned sanctity, A whisper in the wind, a flame in the depths of night. We baptize our egos in holy waters, seeking absolution for our vanities, Enshrining our beliefs in stone, unwilling to weather the storms That might erode our crafted idols, revealing the raw, untempered truth, Which asks not for our righteousness, but for the tenderness of a compassionate heart. In this silent pilgrimage through the chambers of our soul, We must unshackle the Divine from our limited grasp, Allowing the boundless to flow, to mingle with the currents of our existence, To guide us through the dark waters of humility and grace. Let us not forget, in our zeal to be right, the gentle call of compassion, The holy whisper that beckons us beyond ourselves, To embrace the transient and the eternal, the darkness and the dawn, For in that sacred embrace, we find the wondrous, ineffable face of true divinity. Thus, in the quiet of twilight, among the shadows of our beliefs, We are called to transcend our domesticated notions, To embark on a journey of deeper understanding, Where compassion and humility lead us to the heart of the Infinite, And righteousness melts away in the light of true and boundless love.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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