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In the labyrinth of memories, I wander, shadows clutching at my soul

In the labyrinth of memories, I wander, shadows clutching at my soul, A box full of darkness, received in a moment of love, weighs heavy, inexorable. The years have passed like silent rivers, pouring into the abyss of time, And only now do I understand the subtle gift, hidden in the poetry of sadness. Once, with trembling hands, I received this somber symbol, an eternal night sealed, The edges sharp with silence, the lid sealed with the mute whispers of pain. Through countless nights, I looked into its void, seeking light where none dared tread, Unveiling layers of despair, finding solace in the rebuke of melancholy. In the heart of the night, beneath the starry canopy of my suffering, I discovered a universe, vast and deep, in the embrace of shadows. Each fragment of darkness, a constellation of old wounds, vanished dreams, Weaving a tapestry of existence, where every star is a distant, silent scream. Through this journey, I came to see the box not as a curse, but as a mirror, Reflecting the multiplicity of my self, each one a bearer of ancient pain. The darkness, a teacher, spoke in riddles, guiding me through the forest of my fears, Its silence a balm, its depth a path towards the awakening of tears. In the quiet contemplation of dusk, where light and shadow intermingle, I began to understand the paradox, the love hidden in the heart of mystery. The darkness, a gift, slowly unwrapped through the passage of years, Revealing strength in fragility, beauty born from tears. Each shadow, a verse in the epic of my becoming, each silence an unsung symphony, In the alchemy of time, the darkness transformed into a wellspring of wisdom, profound, unreleased. I embraced the void, the cold vastness of unspoken truths, and in doing so, I found not the absence of light, but a different kind of luminescence, an inner glow. Now, when I hold this box of darkness, no longer fearing its deep embrace, I see the vastness of what it contains, the infinite possibilities within its space. Someone I loved once gave me this box, and in their tacit gift, I found the song of the shadow, a melody of existence, and my spirit rises. In the dance of light and dark, we find our true form, For every shadow contains a lesson, every night gives birth to dawn. And thus, the box of darkness, in time, is redefined, From a vessel of pain to a portal of understanding, in the labyrinth of the mind.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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