In the labyrinth of knowledge, my steps hesitate
In the labyrinth of knowledge, my steps hesitate,
Echoes of unspoken thoughts collide with the walls of the mind,
I am a wanderer lost among open books and prefabricated truths,
A pilgrim in search of sacred doubt.
I see around me spirits educated just enough to believe,
Not to question, souls caught in the thin net of certainty,
And I wonder, who are we,
Those who swallow false gems,
Believing them to be imperishable treasures?
In the distance, I hear the roar of an ancestral struggle,
The echo of science's first steps on unknown terrain,
I see the shadows of giants who dared to doubt,
To defy authority, to demand the right to be unsure.
And I feel within me the seed of that struggle stirring,
A tiny flame flickering in the cold wind of conformism,
I wonder if we still have the courage to question,
To doubt, to be uncertain in the face of received "truths."
I float on the waves of collective memory,
Among fragments of knowledge and shadows of doubt,
And I realize that our freedom to doubt is a precious gift,
Born from the sweat and blood of those who fought for it.
In this night of thoughts,
Under the starry sky of unanswered questions,
I pray we never forget the struggle that brought us here,
That we don't lose what we've gained with such toil.
For in doubt lies the seed of true knowledge,
In uncertainty hides the key to progress,
And perhaps true education is not about knowing,
But having the courage to ask, to doubt, to always seek further.
So I leave behind the comfort of certainty and step into the unknown,
With a trembling heart and an open mind,
Seeking not answers, but better questions,
Not safety, but creative doubt,
Not limited education, but the freedom to think.
Copyright © Dan Enache | Year Posted 2024
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