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In the Ink of Tears

How then upon the wings of life interpreted we should come to witness a fall so very far and only be written in suffering That such a tale should be told of us all be in the ink of tears inescapable humanities final tryst leaves the tongue and to life entrusted but never to be heard In the rankled questions find their armouries of frustration in acrimony torn the accusation with such nonchalant transgression while walk away from Eden So have we now risen upon the fluttering annals of our hope to triumph so cold in delusion a martyrs struggle who’s face we’ve never known Such a sweet is the ambrosia of success so savored is the taste of someone else’s bread the pleading trivia as it is solemnly plucked from every single atom of who we are How then can such a formulation be so misguided so abused and so disrespected how upon the wings of love was such a wretched tale told of us blotted with the ink of tears and to ourselves owe no allegiance no scribe of elegance for humanities final word to depart the tongue of life never to be heard

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 6/15/2017 10:22:00 AM
A very beautiful written poem, I really like reading it, you do have amazing talent for expressing your thouhts in poetry however I m new on this site and would really appreciate if you could find time to read my poems and give your honest reviews about them
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