In the Buoy of November
The door is open,
To the month that precedes the year's end,
The curtains have given way,
The eleventh month has taken the stage,
A transition to the change of time and season.
The plans for the year are brought out,
The to-do list is run through,
The highs and lows are considered,
The shortfalls and superfluous are evaluated,
The ambitions are brought to the table.
Hope is threadbare,
Zeal is doused,
The succeeding year is in view,
Hope is to be deferred into its arms,
Gaze is fixed on where the eagles dare.
A pathway is sought through life's maze,
Light to suture the broken pieces,
Hope holds a periscope,
It admonishes a look through,
A medley of hope and light the weary heart seeks.
November 3, 2022.
November Poetry Contest,
Regina McIntosh.
Copyright © Thompson Emate | Year Posted 2022
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