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In the Beginning

In the beginning, was the “primeval atom” according to the scientific datum. From a state of infinite density, known as the primordial singularity, the atom experienced faster-than-light expansion, followed by a massive temperature reduction. More heating and cooling produced protons and neutrons the building blocks from which life eventually grew. In the beginning, there was a collapsed star, begins a theory that sounds so bizarre. From the debris which that black hole spewed the universe eventually grew. In the beginning, there was antimatter, and an equal amount of matter, according to plasma cosmology, the plasma universe theory. The interactions of electromagnetic fields a superabundance of plasma yielded. Plasma produced matter and antimatter. Our universe eventually formed purely of matter. In the beginning, there was God, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, immortal, invisible, infinite, and eternal. God spoke this universe into existence. The seeming infinity of the universe, it’s intricate and incomprehensible complexity testifies of the God who created it. Mortals, be awed, acknowledge, and worship Him.

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