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Thinking morally,

Would be for democracy,

Rather than dynasty:-

At least that's how it should be

With belief in liberty


A democracy,

Is based upon unity;

Rather than money:-

Well, that’s how it use t be

Before today’s tragedy:-


Such an erroring,

Making a mistake again;

Selling out to win:-

Why commit a musky sin,

Triumphed with poweringing?


It’s best to live free,

Than in abject mockery

Of democracy;

Why suffer every day

In a tesla-driven way?


Let’s wake up people,

It’s awareness time of that

Oppression’s steeple:-

There is much work to be don;

Freedom is fought for and won:-


Come, let us survive,

We’ve got to remain alive;

There’s much to be done:-

Let us seek resurrection;

Fighting until we have won:-




Just think about it,

Those who died for us to vote,

Face-slapped in their grave

Because we did not take note

Of money and politics!

Thinking morally, Would be for democracy, Rather than dynasty:- At least that's how it should be With belief in liberty A democracy, Is based upon unity; Rather than money:- Well, that’s how it use t be Before today’s tragedy:- Such an erroring, Making a mistake again; Selling out to win:- Why commit a musky sin, Triumphed with poweringing? It’s best to live free, Than in abject mockery Of democracy; Why suffer every day In a tesla-driven way? Let’s wake up people, It’s awareness time of that Oppression’s steeple:- There is much work to be don; Freedom is fought for and won:- Come, let us survive, We’ve got to remain alive; There’s much to be done:- Let us seek resurrection; Fighting until we have won:- P.S.: Just think about it, Those who died for us to vote, Face-slapped in their grave Because we did not take note Of money and politics!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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