In November's Chill
When red leaves from sleeping trees draped in snow
rest easy on the rock hard icy ground
I wait and plead,
please hurry and appear to me
So I can love you
to warm you like a wool blanket from the Pampas
to make your toes curl up with joy
to smell your hair the odor of evergreen Christmas pine
And like an opera singer hitting the high notes in Caruso
my heart opens up to unimagined highs hoping
You have come. I rejoice, you are here with me
a teenager could not be as excited as I feel
You bring beauty to my life
with the subtleties of your expressed love
your caresses write volumes to my desires
expression of my love seems dismal for the love you shower on me
But time is cruel, time oh time,
allow me to stay before the morrow comes
let me live what’s left of my eternity here in her arms
before you compel me to leave her holy place
In which the fervor of her embrace takes my chill away
the wetness of her kisses unfold my strength
the kindness in her love melts my anxiety
and her compassion lays me to rest
And casts me to the icy earthen hole in November's chill.
Copyright © Norberto Franco Cisneros | Year Posted 2022
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