In Liberal Land
In liberal land the poppies grow
Though not too long for soon they're smoked
How else can they maintain a belief
That's mired in fantasy and grief
They have consistency of mind
Their brains malfunction all the time
But don't let politics revolt
Inside they house a heart of cold
Their way of thinking was set forth
In a fairy tale of yore
Where nothing was as it appeared
And playing cards could speak and hear
They've dwelled inside that rabbit hole
Since long before Frank's polio
Where common sense is a disease
And all that counts is feeling pleased
With how they've been so kind and bold
In carving life from helpless souls
Who none the wiser cast their votes
For shamans dressed in phony hope
It took a child to bare the king
For none dare speak while witnessing
The simple truth before their eyes
Their brains whitewashed through guile and lies
They seized the schools, the bench, the arts
Upturned the vendor's applecart
Til none were left to pay the rent
Totalitarian government
Copyright © Ben Burton | Year Posted 2013
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