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In Celebration of Real Men

The strength of a man is not determined By his muscles or his brawn It is determined by his strength To admit when he is wrong The wisdom of a man Is not determined by myriad facts It is determined by the way That wisdom is seen in his acts The integrity of a man Is not determined by his claim It is determined by the reputation That follows around his name The love of a man Is not determined by mere time It is determined by each moment That he makes you feel sublime The sexual prowess of a man Is not related to his size It’s how he satisfies your needs And what you see there in his eyes The chivalry of a man Is not determined by his manhood It is determined by how he nurtures You to revel in womanhood The passion of a man Is not his need to self-gratify It is determined by how often He makes the effort to satisfy The wealth of a man Is not seen in monetary things But by those things that are free That to your life he brings The age of a man Is not seen in the age life deals But by the strength of his heart And how young he makes you feel The sweetness of a man Is not determined by what he says But it's determined by the fact That you want him more each day The humour of a man Is not determined by a hurtful tease It’s determined by how your laugh When his words your heart please A man is an awesome creation That I’m determined to venerate As Eve’s daughter much in love This male wonder I celebrate. Eileen Manassian Ghali

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 1/29/2015 1:53:00 AM
As per our chat, here I am boots and all. I think the piece is a great write. Again however I must admit that going by my wife's persistent comments I seem to not come up to scratch stanza by stanza. Ce est la vie. Love Shane xxx
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Cooper Avatar
Shane Cooper
Date: 1/29/2015 3:23:00 AM
I am about to visit this poem. I will soup mail you on the other end . That is if I am still kicking.
Manassian Avatar
Eileen Manassian
Date: 1/29/2015 1:55:00 AM
You made a mention of BREATHLESS types of poems...If that is what you are looking for...Try this one: The Journey of your lips. This is adult content...You sure you up to it? If you like this type...Let me know.
Date: 12/12/2014 8:38:00 AM
I enjoyed reading this one again. Arthur's comment is hilarious. Your response to him saddened me, I have such a hard time understanding how you can be so talented and see yourself with such unloving eyes.
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Date: 5/3/2014 10:11:00 PM
wow, I admit at first I read " In Celebration of REAL Man " I assumed this was about me!!!! LOL No matter this is a another great poem!!! Hope you and family are doing well!!!
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 5/3/2014 10:16:00 PM
Hi, Arthur. I'm struggling at the moment. I've lost my heart to write....a very sad situation. My dream is fading...It's a rude awakening for me. My work is mediocre at best. Why bother...Hugs
Date: 3/17/2013 10:11:00 AM
Thank you for your lovely tribute to men. As a man I am very touched.
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Manassian Avatar
Eileen Manassian
Date: 3/17/2013 12:57:00 PM
My pleasure! :)
Date: 3/17/2013 12:21:00 AM
Nice reading, but here we go again with the telling mode,telling what a person should or shouldn't be . It would be a great poem if you could capture the same ideas using a different style of writing.
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 3/17/2013 12:56:00 PM
Christine...thanks for the tip. I will give it some thought and see how I can work it into my writing!
Date: 3/16/2013 11:26:00 PM
This is one of those poems where everything just turns out right... each verse is words of wisdom and would be a handy manual for any guy wanting to know how it's done. Did you ever hear of that joke about how God made the woman second because he looked at the man and thought to himself "You know, I could do better!"... I'm a guy and I laughed!
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 3/17/2013 12:55:00 PM a woman's libber, I am always sharing that one with anyone who will listen! ;) I'm glad you are strong enough to be able to laugh! :) That is the sign of a real gentleman!
Date: 3/16/2013 5:44:00 PM
Sounds like quite the guy! I enjoyed this very much Eileen we would all do well to emulate this example.
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 3/17/2013 12:53:00 PM
Richard, thanks for the comment! I'm sure you are doing pretty well in these ratings as is! ;)
Date: 3/16/2013 12:15:00 PM
One of my favorites great!
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 3/17/2013 12:49:00 PM
You honor me, my dear! I'm humbled and say the least! hugs!
Date: 3/16/2013 10:02:00 AM
I absolutely love this! Sadly these men are few and far between, read my 'I'll date you if' poem, states qualities I also look for in a man. Awesome write Eileen! Hugs
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 3/17/2013 12:48:00 PM
Cecilia...thanks! I will get to it for sure! I've had a crazy week-end...and I've just now found time to get on the SOUP. Thanks for the post! Hugs!
Date: 3/16/2013 8:12:00 AM
poetic wisdom - a wonderful combination! very well done...
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Date: 3/16/2013 6:14:00 AM
Awwwwwwww Eileen, you understand me better than I thought, especially the size bit lol. Great write this, going in my faves. Ever your loyal follower. Regards Richard
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 3/17/2013 3:11:00 PM
Oh ARE funny! ;) I'm honored that you are my loyal follower. Honored, indeed! :)
Date: 3/16/2013 4:41:00 AM
Exquisite write, Eileen. You articulate well what real men are about. Sadly, they're sparse. Well done, my friend :)
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Eileen Manassian
Date: 3/17/2013 12:47:00 PM
Delysia...thank you for reading my poem and for commenting! It means a great deal to me! Well, life is never ideal...and so I guess we can't except men to fit the bill completely! ;) We love them despite their shortcomings and sometimes because of them! :) Hugs!

Book: Reflection on the Important Things