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In a Moment

Poet's Notes

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In the moment, When a glistening Snowflake falls to the earth Washing the ground In joy and wonder, Peaceful silencing the Darkness, the heartless In the moment, When a starry eyed thought Lifts its smile, inspiring The soul to embrace music In notes of faith, stirring Awake the breathless Prayers, gentling grace In the moment, When a reluctant kiss Apologizes for the fears, The quiet tears, Lost and lonely, faded Like fires, sparks to smoking Embers, ashes of the past In the moment, When insecurities thrive Walking like the shadows Along the oaks and pines Imitating strength Only known to those Who listen to the feelings Caressing the memories In the moment, When light replaces darkness, Hope supersedes doubts, Laughter inspires the child Inside every heart who knows There is a God who gives More love than we can believe More love than we can hold More love than we can know In the moment, When His love falls down, Erasing the past, the fears and tears With promises for the new, Beginnings that lead to assurance That His Son has forgiven The soul who believes in His gift – The gift of eternal peace The gift of everlasting life – With the God who created each moment! In the moment, When I believed I discovered the answer To my every need I learned what it means To love unconditionally And to know joy that is like The gentlest peace, overflowing My doubts and insecurities Promising to bring me through every grief With love that can mend every heartbreak within Love that can silence even the mess that is ME

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 1/31/2023 3:04:00 PM
Wow! Truly inspired and inspiring, Regina! Instant fav! Masterful!
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Date: 1/31/2023 1:03:00 PM
Wow! Take care, Shirley
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Date: 1/31/2023 12:11:00 PM
Oh Regina, I wish I could hug you, your beautiful poem is just filled with such beauty and love! I am so blessed by your precious words of beauty <3
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Date: 1/31/2023 7:52:00 AM
Such a lovely piece penned with great imagery and expression Gina, superbly written by your gifted hand. Blessings,Gordon
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