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In A Frozen Land Premiere Contest Winner

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Poetry/Free Verse/In A Frozen Land
Copyright Protected, ID 10-1684-297-31
All Rights Reserved, 2024, Constance La France
Copying any part of this work is prohibited without permission

Written, October 31, 2024
For the international Contest, Free Verse
Sponsor, Emile Pinot, Judged 11/25/2024


Sponsored by Mark Toney, Theme cat or dog, Judged 01/08/2025

Featured Poem on Flash Poetry Blog 01/08


Cat Heaven Images - Free Download on Freepik

"Love is eternal, it never dies, it is forever. . . " Quote by _ Constance And in my dream I am walking in a frozen land there is white snow in every direction pure and unflawed the temperature is way below freezing the wind is howling my feet crunch but, I feel nothing for I am frozen and empty inside I have been since the day my kitty went over Rainbow Bridge then, I notice tiny paw prints in the snow and follow them for some time only to find my beloved kitty in the snow I start running to her but she is dead a perfect curled up cat carved statue then, a hand comes down from the sky and picks her lifeless body up and she lay in God's hand still until suddenly she is moving her fur blowing her bushy tail swishing her sweet meows echoing oh, my tears are falling and freezing on my cheeks God lifts her up to his heart and kisses her head he smiles at me with great love and it is like the sun has come out and I know that my kitty will be fine in Heaven protected for infinity and I am weeping when kitty turns to me and lifts her paw in farewell her eyes are beautiful, bright and glowing and I hear God's voice speaking to me your kitty will be loved in Heaven and will be waiting at Heavens golden gate dear one when your time on earth is finished do not weep . . . do not grief you gave your kitty the ultimate gift of love you set her free from suffering and just like that . . . they fade away and I am in my bed and it is morning . . . I smile to myself for it is time, yes time to turn the page . . . to end this chapter

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 1/8/2025 12:40:00 PM
Thank you for supporting my Flash Poetry Challenge (6), Constance. Your poem was randomly chosen to be featured in my 'Results' blog, which is now up and running. I love the wisdom you display in the last four lines. It’s incredible how these unique personalities can bring joy to our lives! They work their way into our hearts and become part of the family. After they're gone, our pleasant memories of them are balsam for the soul.
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Constance La France
Date: 1/8/2025 1:04:00 PM
Mark, thank you so much for these Flash Poetry Challenges and for selecting my poem to be featured on your blog, appreciate, and for the wonderful comment and compliment ~
Date: 12/1/2024 9:56:00 PM
Congratulations, such a beautifully penned and heartfelt piece. Big smiles, M
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Constance La France
Date: 12/3/2024 3:19:00 AM
Mockingbird, thank you for the congratulation and compliment, blessings, Constance
Date: 11/25/2024 11:47:00 PM
amazing tribute dear poet. Congratulations on your win. so proud to see you stand first among 125! Blessings & cheers dear friend
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Constance La France
Date: 11/27/2024 8:06:00 PM
Thriveni, thank you for the compliment and congratultions. I was thrilled to receive the first place, blessings ~
Date: 11/25/2024 3:41:00 PM
Congratulations Constance for your well-deserved 1st place...out of over 100 entries...well done, dear poet
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Constance La France
Date: 11/27/2024 8:07:00 PM
Frederic, thank you for the congratulations, I sure never expected that win with so many entries, but I poured my grief out ~
Date: 11/25/2024 1:45:00 PM
Dear constance, this is such a heartfelt poem and the ending is so moving and touching, i love the picture youv used too and i feel a sense of hope, as i read your words, although grief can be so hard, youv expressed it all very well. Congratulations on your well deserved win, on your precious kitty, resting in love. Sending you healing light and strength today and always
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Constance La France
Date: 11/27/2024 8:09:00 PM
Ink, thank you for the congratulations and nice comment on my poem and image that looks so much like Snuggles, I am beginning to accept her death, but I still have moments, it was one month on November 24th ~
Date: 11/25/2024 11:03:00 AM
Congratulations Constance! Your beautiful, heartfelt poem "In A Frozen Land" earned you “First Place” in my poetry contest. Well done, my friend. Please Soupmail me to receive your prize. Emile.
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Constance La France
Date: 11/27/2024 8:10:00 PM
Emile, thank you so much for the contest and my amazing placement, i think you know how much this poem means to me so I am over the moon thrilled, I soupmailed you ~
Date: 11/1/2024 9:19:00 AM
Oh, My Constance, your deep, heartfelt exploration of grief and hope is moving. Your well-inked images of the frozen landscape mirror the emotional numbness of loss, while divine intervention brings warmth and comfort. I agree that a bond between humans and pets transcends death, offering peace in the promise of reunion. So touching! Good luck in the contest. Autumn Blessings, My Dear friend, Daniel
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Constance La France
Date: 11/1/2024 12:34:00 PM
Daniel, thank you for your compassion and beautiful comment, compliment and encouragement, blessings Constance
Date: 11/1/2024 12:45:00 AM
Wow Constance this brought tears to my eyes. Snuggles is waiting for you. Someday you will be reunited and all these words will be true. I pray and hope you are coping and by reading this incredible piece of underlying emotion and love for your Snuggles I know you are realizing that she will always live in your heart and in your memories and someday you will see her again. God created her and to God she returns. Someday you will be returned and you will meet again. This love and emotion is ...
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Constance La France
Date: 11/1/2024 12:37:00 PM
Michael, your beautiful comment brought tears to my eyes, I believe that Snuggles will be waiting for me, and until then God will take care of her, yes, I will never forget my soul cat. She will live in my heart forevermore, blessings Constance
Tor Avatar
Michael Tor
Date: 11/1/2024 12:49:00 AM
shared in a special remembrance of Snuggles who lives on in Heavens realm free of pain and suffering. A hug of support to you Constance and a kiss thrown to Snuggles for giving you so many years of Joy. Long live Snuggles in our hearts, Heaven and memories she will never be forgotten. God bless you and God bless Snuggles...
Date: 10/31/2024 8:39:00 PM
A beautiful dream Constance, your quote is so true, the love for your cat and her love for you will never die… Beryl
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Constance La France
Date: 10/31/2024 11:51:00 PM
Beryl, thank you for the compliment and comment, love Constance

Book: Reflection on the Important Things