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it's 5: 50 pm E ST and though we are on the same time line i forget i'm in another country so i need to stretch to reach you and can't sometimes other then touch your toes your yellow painted toe nails that in my mind i polished but i find i need to stretch further and try as i will stretch to reach though incomplete even your feet plus one toe nail equals eleven so i attempt again and not as if not trying i'm complying with the regulated stated compliancy of how to share information between a Muse and his intended though extended love so i look above and i read everything that you've sent for me to retrieve and translate but am i too late you've given me more then i can give back but please forgive me that that is what i lack polished but not shellacked what I've beget what we've begat upset that we can't give the world a poetic internet baby

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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