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I'm not worried about myself

The bright garden has been dead for a while, This life is as cold as November. I'm not worried about myself now, I'm thinking about children over. I thought for a day when I was young, I have lost opportunities transferred. Like a drop from a grape on the sand, Even my smile has disappeared. I am saddened by the grayness of time, I'm tired of seeing the horrors of man. Gray days as a horrible lifeline, I'm tired of seeing gray days then. Yes, life is cold like winter migration, But he can't scare a brave person. It warms my chest with irritation, My homeland, my country, my land, my son!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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Date: 1/9/2025 11:15:00 AM
Exquisite poem that explores the themes of loss, nostalgia, and resilience in the face of life's hardships. It juxtaposes the coldness and despair of the present with memories of youth and hopes for the future, particularly concerning children and homeland. Thanks for your comment
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Kalmaganbetov Avatar
Aibek Kalmaganbetov
Date: 1/13/2025 2:37:00 AM
Thank you for your kind words.

Book: Reflection on the Important Things