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I'M Alright Jack

I’m alright Jack Horrendous things are going on, Bloody killings, deadly bomb. Another stabbing in the street, The world it seems is in defeat. It’s getting worse, year on year, The cats just lick their paws and purr. Politicians tell their lies, A war torn orphaned baby cries, They speak their words, so succinct, Another species now extinct, Nothing done while they confer, The cats just lick their paws and purr. Man does not now have a prayer, There’s a thinning down of the ozone layer, Homeless people, in dire need, And wars creating mouths to feed, A thousand more problems will occur, While the fat cats lick their paws and purr.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 1/22/2020 5:16:00 PM
Thank you I could not agree more, the sad thing is we are aware of this and there isn't anything that we can do to change it which in turn causes more unrest and problems ......Shirley
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