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I'Ll Be Obidient and Yusful

Nigeria has become like a ware in a jumble sale Or I'd say a boat that's in need of a bail A nation that once kept abreast of great countries with aplomb Is now sitting wobbly on a ticking time bomb Sadly the managers of this great estate Know nothing about being persons of estate With their lack of concern that makes them look like bullock They overwhelm the masses that voted them in with a feeling of shock Their daily disconcertion put my kind in a total disbelief That a population in hundreds of million can't provide any to effect a relief This is why I join the mission to effect a revamp Enough is enough to our crestfallenness and damp You must have heard in their campaign they mock our labour Cos they believe they can spirit away our votes like an abductor There're coordinated actions with rallies everywhere to promote adduction In order to prevent or sensitize the public against ballot abduction My advice to those youths like software infected with malware The kinds the politicians pay to cause unnecessary despair Those punctured with holes that can't make them gain control I say beware in the end you'll be left to thole Please don't be like a bull in a China shop Together we can make Nigeria sit on hilltop As for me I'll be OBIdient and YUSful Cos I want to live in a Nigeria that's beautiful

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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