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If You Are Rich Pray Like This

When I drive big modern vehicle Lord, let it be from your loving heart When I have fat bank accounts Lord, let it be from your loving heart When I own beautiful buildings Lord, let it be from your loving heart When a beautiful spouse I marry Lord, let it be from your loving heart When I am happy and full of joy Lord, let it be for your loving heart Loving God, give me all that ask of thee Lord, let it be from your loving heart When I use gifts from your loving heart Lord, let it be for your loving heart When you've given me enough from your heart Lord, don't add more. I want to be holy

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 8/2/2019 3:56:00 PM
Interesting, Solomon. It seems that the younger generations equate wealth with evil somehow. Abraham the Patriarch was the wealthiest man of his time. Didn't stop him from being humble: "I am but dust and ashes." Didn't stop him from running to personally serve and feed three passing vagabonds in the heat of the day---at age 99, three days after being circumcised, at pain's peak... Much food for thought here. Thanks for posting. Best wishes, gw
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Ochwo-Oburu Avatar
Solomon Ochwo-Oburu
Date: 8/3/2019 3:36:00 AM
Very useful insight. Thanks

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