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If Heaven Has a Garden

Footprints through his garden. My uncle and I once played tag amongst his greenery; With muddied shoes and fear getting the best of me Surprisingly, I had shaken my head yes when he asked, "Were those my footprints" tracking through his greenery? My uncle took the brunt of punishment I carried on with only admonishment. I think that was the first time I was given a warning and ran with it. Throughout my life, I have tried to retrace a path he had set. Footprints so large it inspired generations to stand tall This walk you see us fulfilling is our attempt to be more like him, The constant gardener. His muddied shoes left a trail for us to follow. From Hazlehurst, Ga to Akron, Oh, Egypt and Israel, from now till then and onto clouds on high I wonder if God is asking "Who's footprints are these tracing through My greenery?" We can all smile because we know It is him. It's him.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 1/11/2020 10:00:00 PM
Is it? Perhaps Forensics should be brought in to sort through the loose soil of faith.
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