If God Gives Me Tomorrow
If God gives me tomorrow
I'll try to stop crying
unlike this dark night
where I fear that I'm dying
If He gives me tomorrow
I'll let go of today
I'll hold onto the good things
and the rest throw away
In the grass I'll walk barefoot
and make friends with a bird
A deaf ear shall I turn to
any harsh, evil word
I will look through the skin
to search out the soul
for therein lie treasures
that make someone whole
If God gives me tomorrow
a new song shall I sing
With the heavenly choirs
our voices will ring
Won't waste time with worry
and neither will fret
No more whiling my hours
in pools of regret
Each day is a do-over
a brand new start
to expressing your love
and unlocking your heart
So much to accomplish
new seed to be sown
in ground lying fallow
where good crops are grown
I'll do what I can
to ease someone's sorrow
by sharing a smile ~
if God gives me tomorrow
Copyright © Michael Wise | Year Posted 2019
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