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If Ever I Had a Country: Lxxviii

IF EVER I HAD A COUNTRY: LXXVIII for Suzanne DELANEY, in appreciation (Prelude: CAN THE WRONG MAN BE RIGHT ? ABSOLUTELY ! If only he were NOT guilty of the self-same crime ! For instance, here in Europe, acceding to « nationality» status can be quite ludicrously irrational: those migrants even "totally ignorant" of the host country’s culture and official tongue obtain their "citizenship papers » sooner or later, while clinging desperately to their own culture and country to the exclusion of their hosts’- some more fortunatethough enjoy « dual nationality » and therefore DUAL rights to LOYALTY ! And talk tough once they take over responsibile positions in society. And the ones on whom the latter prey most of all are precisely those « other» less fortunate migrants at their mercy !) IF ever I had a country, a country NOT « wholly" put together by either IMMIGRANTS or REFUGEES, you see, but by conquering IMPERIAL ENSLAVERS on the backs of blacks and on those fleeing from hunger, from religious intolerance as "indentured-labourers », mainly, you’ll agree WHERE the indigene was routed and rounded up into RESERVES through superior "fire-power" by the COLONIAL and local ARISTOCRACY AND where TAXES and LEVIES imposed by the « Foreign Power » drove the locally-born MASTER to revolt against the MOTHER COUNTRY Until the whole CONTINENT united « nation » after « nation » to become the foremost mid-twentieth century « COLONIAL » SAVIOUR of the WORLD country Only to find its internal structure and economic power usurped by other NON-NATION constituting ethnies AND one-by-one take over from the original WASP founding PATER FAMILIAS confederacy Yes, then, I’d keep the NEW-COMER from wagging his/her tongue or shooting his/her mouth tout azimuth - despite the legislative mandate - as though he/she were the backbone of the nation or from attempting to take over my « dear » country as if it were their « god-given » patrimony Even if I never ever had no country stuck together with spit and elbow-grease to look like a pyrotechnically-powere Bollywoodian jamboree (c) T. Wignesan - Paris, July 22, 2019

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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