Some days I wish I could step outside myself
Be you, someone, anyone, think different thoughts
Ain't it strange you'll never know no one but yourself?
I'm runnin' blindfolded, seeking somethin' untaught
Suspended within language, were comprised of the past
Mythos over logos, walkin' the tight rope of sanity
Can't decide if things are ever novel or just recast
Nihilism, can't decide if it's all just vanity
I'm no cynic, the idea of "meaning" just seems absurd
We're here after 13 billion years of unguided events
Think about it, we decided the meanings of words
There's 6,500 languages, each with unique content
What it means to you, it don't mean to someone else
Hello, Hola, Bon jour, Guten Tag, Ciao, Ni Hao
Headed nowhere fast, better wear your seat belts
Don't think I believe the truth, all I'm sure of is now
Copyright © Zachary Alvstad | Year Posted 2015
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