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Identical Rhyme

"Identical Rhyme" by: Eric L. Boddie In the country, hogs eat slop In the city, women like to shop And really, where do stereotypes stop Where do the lie and the Truth clash Why must only just a few control all the cash And why do some inquiries have to appear crass Is it all in a scheme Magnified by the virtual stream And why can't some things be as they seem It could possibly be because of a hidden payer Or maybe through some fantastic action of a player And, for that, you must know that anything is possible through Prayer That's the daily action that should never end Because it allows God To Extend And Enter The Spiritual Engine Pumping His Way through that which we bleed So He Can Hold us tighter than a baby's hair bead And we will Ascend To A Heavenly Breed

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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Date: 1/19/2016 12:13:00 AM
Your poem begins questioning and ends with the answers. My poetry often ends teaching a meaningful lesson, as this one does, making us kindred spirits Eric. My choices this evening are to watch the long awaited "Mercy Street" a civil war drama, or read poetry, and poetry won out! I love this! #7
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