I Will Forget You
You have forgotten the times that were tender
You have hidden the wounds that cut deep;
Sweet dreams of the past fade when the splendor
Dims in the twilight as the sun goes to sleep.
The haze of lost memories hovering over
Will abandon the enchantment that lost its way
And the arms of time will give hours to cover
The raw wounds that darken the day.
You will forget me, the love we once shared
Has vanished in the attempt at disguise;
The dream we once knew can't be repaired
It’s gone with the light that once lit your eyes.
Yearning for times past is beyond wanting
For all we had, and love will soon seem
An empty room with phantoms now haunting
The space in your heart that died with the dream.
I will forget you and forgive you for saying
The callous words that brought such pain;
Time moves on and the lament now playing
Has moved on to a happier strain.
I'm gone from your life, I am gone forever
The times we shared now submerged in the past;
Love buries it dead but sorrow kills never
I have forgotten your memory at last.
Copyright © Elizabeth Wesley | Year Posted 2012
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