I Twinkle For You
Starry Night by Van Gogh
I am celestial fire,
a balance of gas and gravity,
twinkling for you.
I am Illumination in a pool of origins,
a wish to set free,
beauty to behold.
How deep am I tucked into the vast wilderness?
I am deeper than
a diamond buried miles below sinking sand.
With face ablaze, I am
your distant desire, finite but eternal
in your sight, and you are amazed
by the romance I recreate between earth and heaven.
My brilliance, like wings of a firefly,
is silent in smoky fog of deepest forest.
I am wind,
waves light years away,
and you are inquisitive, pressing your eye
to the lens of your scope
as if the ghost of Galileo were here,
whispering in your ear
secrets of stars in farthest galaxies.
I smile down as the moon smiles with lips
close enough to kiss you.
Night beguiles as you seek wisdom
in constellations.
Like a friend,
the brighter I am,
the closer I am to home.
Like a selfish lover,
I will always leave at dawn,
as you wait for my return.
Through history, I am resolution,
I am mystery, and still,
I burn for you.
Written 7/1/20
Contest - You are a Star
Sponsor - Nina Parmenter
Copyright © Rhonda Johnson-Saunders | Year Posted 2020
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