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I See You - Part 2

Dear Single Mother, - Part 2 Young man or woman who is, black, white, or any color under the sun, & you identify as Blue, Pink & White, Rainbow or some Other combination, I see you, God Loves you, and Yeshua died and Rose Again on the Third Day for you too. I don't agree with the Life-style that you choose, and the Choices that you make, but that's OK, for that is not my job, You are Seen and Accepted by Yeshua. HE is the Only True and Righteous Judge. SO I ask that you seek to have a relationship with him, and Let him guide your path. Single Mother You are a Part of my Community. Single Father, you are My Brother, and Friend. Mothers and Fathers, You are Me and I am You. Grand-Parents You Are my Guiding Lights, when life has got Me Down, and its been a Hard day. Brothers in Prison I See You. And I hope that Life Brings you All of the Joy, Peace, and Happiness that it has, Now, and when you Get Out. Professional Brothers and Sisters, Let Us make the Next Generation Better. Let Us Leave a Positive Legacy that Our Gran-Children can be Proud of. Let Us Leave them Not Just Land, Money in a Bank account, and a House on the Hill. Let Us Leave them Hope, Purpose, and Positive Values that Do Not Fade With Time. My Brothers and Sisters, You are My Community. I am a Part of Your Community. I See You, and I Love You. God Bless. Sincerely, Your Brother, Author Paul A. Cumberbatch (Written on March 8th, 2023)

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