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I Say I Don'T Love You Anymore

I say I don't love you anymore, But I still feel chills in my spine When your fingers brush against mine. I say I don't love you anymore, But I still feel my heart rate rise When you look deep into my eyes. I say I don't love you anymore, But a smile still sneaks through When I get a text from you. I know we're done.. I know you're gone. I know we're just friends now, But I wish we always stay in touch. Cause I say I don't love you anymore But I still stay up all night Wondering if you're doing alright

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 6/22/2021 9:35:00 PM
Sounds so much like my marriage. I really could relate. I'm glad I came across your poem. Insightful.
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Srivastava Avatar
Anshika Srivastava
Date: 6/24/2021 4:19:00 AM
Happy that my poem could reach your heart... I'm just a beginner so this comment means a lot me.. Thank you:D

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