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I Respect Your Religion Please Respect Mine

I respect all religion, please respect mine. There is nothing wrong when religion Interact with each other about they way of what religion Is to them. But please respect the fact me and my son are Catholic and that will never change. My sister Ingrid was a fool to betray her religion. And become a seven day advantis. Stop trying to turn me into my sister for we are not twins and never will be. I am not a betrayer but will betray you for betraying me. I kept your freak life style a secret for a very long this doesn't go one way but two. It's been a while since someone who's going around desperately trying to make me/ my son join they religion as if there were such thing as a better religion. It will never happen, get over it for me and my son already been baptized into our own religion since birth. As much I decided to become Atheist for the cause of you. For every thing I've been going through was caused by people in religion and they so called children that needs to pray for forgiveness for they sins.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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