I Resolve
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December 22, 2023, entered in Constance LaFrance's Funny New Year's Resolutions for 2024 Contest~~placed 1st
**not to start lying in wait to exact revenge on those
who cruise down my little street late at night
playing outrageously loud rap music,
jarring me awake and sorely testing my Christianity~~
**not to check out a 500-page library book,
read 50 pages, lay the book aside for two weeks,
then have to start over because I forgot what I read~~
**to start systematically throwing some things away
and organizing what I keep so that, when I’m gone,
my folks won’t be forced to spend six months
slogging through reams and stacks of STUFF
wondering Why did she keep THIS? . . . How could
she do this to us?! . . . I REALLY need to toss my old
diaries. (I haven’t always been a sedate old lady!)
**to stop falling asleep sitting almost straight up in my
rocker recliner, causing me to awaken three hours later
temporarily paralyzed from head to toe
**to stop staying up too late on Saturday nights,
causing me to get so sleepy at church on Sunday
that my head droops forward or~~even worse~~back,
then jerks violently into place, mortifying me.
Copyright © Janice Canerdy | Year Posted 2023
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