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I Remember

I remember the joy and confusion. A touch of your lips was not an illusion. Almost love, almost fall into the abyss. I know the secret of loneliness, It’s a mystery and it is soundness, The dream that was just a fess. I run in a hush and in a snowy garden Longing and wishing to say ‘pardon’. Missing the only one every day harden. I remember the days and unshared dreams, The strangers bottomless eyes that seemed To love when the candles were unredeemed. I know the hurt that can not be forgiven, And sadness which ends all and is driven By the dreams that repeat every season. To the only one who is dear and tender I run in a dream which is a splendor. But see only shadow of the pretender. ©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine) The 12th of February, 2013

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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