I Remember
I remember when I was only THREE
And a total stranger ran off with me.
I remember when I was FOUR
a screaming baby, I wasn’t the only one, any more.
I remember when I was FIVE
Starting at Musters Rd. Infants School West Bridgford, scared alive.
I remember when I was SIX
Our taxi business went bust what a fix.
I remember when I was SEVEN
Thieves killed my pet rabbit, I think it went to heaven.
I remember when I was EIGHT,
Real coal fires in the grate.
I remember when I was NINE,
Playing skipping with my friends, Using the (the clothes line.)
I remember when I was TEN,
The old garden shed, We turned it into a den.
I remember when I was ELEVEN
Having to go to bed at half past seven
I remember when I was TWELVE,
My whip and top I played with it a lot.
I remember when I was THIRTEEN,
Our first TV, set, black and white, to me, the best I’d seen.
I remember when I was FOURTEEN,
My first boyfriend, what a hunk, What a dream.
I remember when I was FIFTEEN,
Starting work, earning money, I was so very keen.
I remember it was all so very long ago,
It feels like a dream.
Copyright © Pat Dring | Year Posted 2009
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