I Planted a Seed-
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I got a seed in the ground in me
God be plants in me my Father allows me to plant
A seed
I got a seed in the ground
And it’s flourishing
I am He who dwells in me as He’s the process of living and dying
I knows who and whose I am in He as He grows me like a flower
Faith traditions to illustrate my spiritual journey I am whose I am
Some come to plant seed to water
Some come to cultivate other son’s and daughters, Hallelujah
Some come to harvest I am His soul illustrates
I am of the universe heaven, not the language of the land
I am whom and whose I am
planted a seed
I got a seed in the ground
And it’s flourishing
A seed planted in heaven and I am growing
I birth from heaven energy flame
Seed life of 7 day creation
I am, faith tradition I am The Seed of Life
I got my seed planted in the ground
And it’s rising, and it’s grown-growing
Surviving moving in this world
I am not the language of the land nor of man
All that I am I am a Child of Father Elohim
In someone’s heart mind
I planted a seed
I got a seed in the ground
And it’s flourishing
Her comment nothing but to prosper for the purpose
And the glory of Our Father
Planted/sowed a seed of in his mind.
Faith traditions to illustrate my spiritual journey I am whose I am
Some come to plant seed to water
Some come to cultivate other sons and daughters, Hallelujah
Some come to harvest I am His soul illustrates
I am of the universe heaven, not the language of the land
I am whom and whose I am
I planted a seed
I got a seed in the ground
And it’s flourishing
A seed planted in heaven and I am growing
I birth from heaven energy flame
Seed life of 7 day creation
I am, faith tradition I am The Seed of Life
I got a seed in the ground in me
God be plants in me my Father allows me to plant
A seed
I got a seed in the ground
And it’s flourishing
I got a seed in the ground
I got a seed in the ground
O’ Lord My God O’ Father it’s growing
I got a seed in the ground and it's growing
Written words by
Candace Rodgers & James Edward Lee Sr. 2023©
Copyright © James Edward Lee Sr. | Year Posted 2023
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