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I Love Ya, Damn-It

I love your acsent' it makes me want to kiss you! 16 fillet catfish/ or seabass 1/4 cup of McCormick seasoning 2 Tablespoons of garlic powder 2 Tablespoons of onion powder 3 tablespoons of cayenne pepper mix well and set aside 1/2 cup of olive oil 1/2 melted butter 1/4 cup lime juice coat both sides of each fillet with oil and butter sprinkle seasoning atop bake in a 350 degree oven until fish are flakey and done 8 cups of cooked cous cous( soaked in 1 cup of buttermilk) 3 cups of goats cheese 2 cups of heavy cream 2 cups of béchamel sauce 1/2 melted butter 1/2 cup of fresh chives 5 tablespoons of crushed garlic 2 cup of oven roasted turkey bacon ( cook into bits) 1/3 cup of diced fine green peppers (sautéed) 1/3 cup of crushed sun dried tomatoes 12/3 saute'd onion 1 & 1/2 cup of white cheddar 2 tablespoons of red pepper flakes combine ingredients and bake for 25 minutes slice fillets from a leg of lamb about twenty slices salt and pepper grill (medium rare) in a pan combine 1/3 cup of beef broth 1 cup of pomegranate juice 1/4 cup of honey 1/4 cup of lime juice 5 tablespoons of chopped rosemary 3 tablespoons of cayenne pepper 1/3 cup of sweet red wine 1 cup of unsalted pistachios reduce sauce about half add lamb and serve FOR DESSERT 5 CUPS OF BROWNIE MIXED ( MIXED USING BOX RECIPE) 4 CUPS OF ANGEL FOOD ( USING BOX RECIPE) 24 DOLLOPS OF CREAM CHEESE IN A GREASED NON-STICK MUFFIN PAN, SPOON IN TWO TABLE SPOONS OF BROWNIE MIX AND LAYER IT WITH THE ANGEL FOOD MIX, (ABOUT 2 TABLESPOONS) HALFWAY FULL ADD CREAM CHEESE COVER WITH BROWNIE AND ANGEL FOOD MIX BAKE UNTIL DONE, USING A TOOTH PICK TO CHECK COOL MUFFINS, TOP WITH FAVORITE FROSTING AND SERVE IN WE BASSOON'D THE FOOD WAS DONE: SO WE ATE IT! WE DRUMMED AND OBO'D THRU THE NIGHT ASSUMING WE WOODWIND: WE DID! WE DID !

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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