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I Love Lucy

I loved to watch her as a child Laughing at her antics and cooing at her wilds Over the top trouble and silly jokes played Viewing every show I could, before my parents waned Every Thursday night (I think) I'd called it Lucy Day! Lounging on my bed and letting my head watch this parade Ultra color, or black and white, to me it didn't matter Cause that silly red head eating all the chocolate, was always on my platter You try saying vita-vite-vegamin, without getting drunk! I missed the shows I watched when I was little Those actors where way before may birth but I enjoyed her friend and funny neighbors Fred and Ethel Merts But let's not forget Ricky, the Cuban mamba king But It was always funny when he yelled: LUCY!!!!!!!! ...O RICKY! She didn't mean thing!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2010

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Date: 7/12/2010 9:49:00 PM
for sure it was a true comedy,funny,,funny,,and not even any bad language to get a joke out,,I enjoyed your words ,,all the best in the contest,,,and Thank You for reading my words and for leaving yours behind,,Blessings..Cecil
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Date: 7/5/2010 11:14:00 AM
Wow, I too love "I Love Lucy", still!! It's ageless. Since you love this I am sure you love TCM Channel! Great movies always playing! How are you? Haven't got that poem back Maybe soon. He had a little problem so he's backed up. ok? Love ya. Audrey
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