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I looked into your golden eyes and was left astonished

I looked into your golden eyes and was left astonished, Transfixed, trying to drink in more of their deep beauty, Your intimate gaze pierced through me, and, oh God, I was dizzy, Their sunlit brilliance, with streaks of green and gold confetti, A beauty that consumes me, in love, in ecstasy, under your spell, Over my senses, you were like magic appearing when least expected, Leaving a deep imprint on my soul, a taste that craves more, Even after you've gone, I remain captive in the hypnotic mirror of your gaze, You were like a mirage, a moment of eternity that took my breath away, And now, though you're no longer here, I'm caught in the memory of your eyes, That light which changed my world, a spell that never fades, A dream from which I don't want to wake, even in your absence, Your eyes, a gateway to a universe of desire and pure fascination, Were an encounter with magic, a spark of eternity in a blink, And though you are gone, I still live in their spell, seeking that light, In every sunrise and sunset, yearning for that radiance that enchanted me.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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Date: 2/15/2025 3:17:00 PM
Hello Dan Enache, such a beauttiful poem about love. A bit sad because she passed. Yet still a beautiful poem. enjoy your evening my friend. /Darlene/
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De Beaulieu Avatar
Darlene De Beaulieu
Date: 2/16/2025 4:26:00 PM
Hello Dan, How are you today? You are very welcome. enjoy your evening my friend. /Darlene/
Enache Avatar
Dan Enache
Date: 2/15/2025 5:32:00 PM
Thank you so much !

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry