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I Live With Nightmares and Not Dreams

I live with nightmares and not dreams, sleep time is filled with many mirrors show ghoulish faces screaming to escape, creatures live in the bowels of earth captured by the devil and his conniving ways, victims listen to the wrong voice, opting to follow the dark and evil choice. I live with nightmares and not dreams, they join the darkness of the ebonic night, silence does not exist as well as living color, unfiltered noise echoes through my mind, an orchestra of instruments without a maestro, random violins make scratchy sounds, drums pound nonstop as horns blast unbound. I live with nightmares and not dreams, nights of turmoil toss me around the bed, a rag doll whose soul stolen by Satan, hours of darkness and sleeplessness, want to wake up from this blackness, leaving it buried and gone forever more, as sunshine kicks the inferno out the door. (for the "In the fragility of dreams Contest")

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 5/27/2020 2:34:00 PM
- Dreams can be so much and it's not always easy to understand them - Dreams are the best therapy for us humans ... and dreams can be fulfilled - Congratulations on your winning poem, Sonia :) - hugs // Anne-Lise :)
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Sonia Walker
Date: 5/27/2020 4:25:00 PM
Anne-Lise, I agree that dreams are therapeutic. Your comment is so kind. Thank you. ~ Sonia
Date: 5/27/2020 1:32:00 PM
This one is such a thrilling and adventurous read. Congratulations on your win Sonia :)
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Sonia Walker
Date: 5/27/2020 1:38:00 PM
Aditi, thank you for your uplifting comment. ~ Sonia
Date: 5/27/2020 5:55:00 AM
A dark and disturbing take in the contest... Congratulations on your placement in the contest..
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Sonia Walker
Date: 5/27/2020 1:40:00 PM
Silent One, I sincerely appreciate your support. Thank you for the placement of my poem. ~ Sonia
Date: 5/20/2020 5:31:00 PM
Yep...a lot of truth in this one. Evil is real, but not necessarily over-powering. Light has strong allies as well. Great read!
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Sonia Walker
Date: 5/20/2020 6:18:00 PM
Joe, light has an antiseptic quality. Thank you for commenting. ~ Sonia

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