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I Know What the Moon Says

I've pass through the doors of life not knowing Crept to, I took the steps in front of me - And stopped Still not knowing what I was born to, and the surprises that wait around the corner Naked and tender to the real world Enter adulthood, it comes and with it many paths all in different directions So I choose a path With each destiny I've experienced- The agony and bliss of love, the burning pain and rejection from hate, The sky dancing joy of childbirth, and the death of a loved one, I took a step and fell I fell hard I was covered in an atrocious blunder of self-pity I felt narrow- But I stood up again and wiped off my wounds I cried the words only onto deaf ears No one hears a sound not a sound, “why I cried” The salty tears warm streamed out drenching the side of my face This place I call home the stranger in me now knows Though I share with you I am but a single celled unit alone in this place Facing the unfinished tomorrows and yesterdays My back is withered as a sun drenched driftwood And so I carry the heaviness and parched stories around Lessons you say, such lessons I have felt in the abysmal of my soul Live them until I grow old, until I grow old I have tasted the diseased minds a thousand times yet I crave more It feels safe and familiar all wrapped up in the pull of heart strings’ I hear the pack of wolves at my door step now- Their breath is fiery hot and hungry I face the changes that await me scared and trembling like a child It's only with the strength of my devoted husband that I haven't withered away A man complex in his own right , but with the strength of a fleet of many men I know what the moon says As I stand in its light Holding me close

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 9/3/2013 3:13:00 PM
- This is a poem that I really liked Laura, a wonderful poem! - oxox // Anne-Lise :)
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Date: 8/23/2013 9:48:00 AM
Wonderfully written. This was an exceptional poem. Life with its flavors and colors tweaks at our emotions in wicked ways as we try to maintain our sanity. Standing by in a saintly pose, is the special one who helps us maintain balance. Sometimes the sway moves us away and we still falter.
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Laura Mckenzie
Date: 8/23/2013 10:00:00 AM
Allan thanks so much for your comments and support! Laura :)
Date: 8/17/2013 8:33:00 AM
The title is awesome,,, your words just took me there ;}
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Laura Mckenzie
Date: 8/23/2013 10:00:00 AM
Thanks for comments! Laura :0)
Date: 8/6/2013 5:49:00 PM
This is awesome! Congratulations on the win....
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Date: 8/5/2013 7:48:00 PM
Thanks for entering your poem. Congratulations
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Date: 8/5/2013 9:58:00 AM
:-) Congratulations!!! ~SKAT~
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Date: 8/5/2013 9:11:00 AM
Good morning Laura, ... Congratulations in Richard's "Girl Rising." contest.... always *LINDA
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Date: 8/5/2013 6:45:00 AM
A stunning piece which really deserved its super win! CONGRATULATIONS my dear friend, Laura! Thank you so much for sharing as well. And since somebody sent me a message, i'm passing it to you, Happy Friendship Day! love/hugs, Leonora
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Date: 8/4/2013 10:09:00 PM
Hi Laura, , Congratulations, with your winning poem..... goodnight~ Linda
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Date: 8/4/2013 5:25:00 PM
love it....SKAT
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Date: 8/3/2013 3:49:00 AM
Another powerful poem, sadness of the past, but strength in your tomorrow's yes our lives are full of paths which to choose, but we all go down the path of sorrow, hurt and pain, joy and happiness, love and hope, but from these paths we choose the right paths , great write blessings sueellen
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Date: 8/2/2013 3:23:00 PM
This is a heart wrenching and yet within it a triumphant piece. If you could add more to the end on how you rise from the challenges you have faced this would be an excellent piece for my girl rising contest.( please consider)
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Laura Mckenzie
Date: 8/2/2013 3:38:00 PM
Richard thank you for your encouraging words I did place it in your contest thanks for telling me! Laura
Date: 8/2/2013 2:47:00 PM
A beautiful pain within these lines. There is such depth within this sort of secured hurt. It almost feels like you're writing from a werewolf's perspective. It's train of thought. This was massive & hit me strong. Fantastic job!
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Laura Mckenzie
Date: 8/2/2013 3:38:00 PM
Thanks Wonderful Drake ! :)
Date: 8/2/2013 2:46:00 PM
First time reading your work. Stunning lines and visuals. Especially the visual of the last 3 lines...superb
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Laura Mckenzie
Date: 8/2/2013 3:39:00 PM
Karen thanks for checking my work out! :) Laura
Date: 8/2/2013 2:46:00 PM
that's a very heartfelt expressed story. I enjoyed reading it. God bless you.Hugs!Erich
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Laura Mckenzie
Date: 8/2/2013 3:39:00 PM
Thank you Erich !

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry