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I Find Myself Walking

I find myself walking I hear myself talking I see myself up in the clouds. How did it get so far out of hand? How can I ever understand? I see you laughing smiling and loving But it isn't me by your side. What happened to our forever? What happened to man and wife? I feel myself breathing crying and hurting Wondering when it will end. I still feel your whispers in my ear I still feel your love ever so near. So I find myself walking And trying to understand. Just following the footprints I leave in the sand.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 7/14/2020 6:22:00 PM
Hello Julia A. Keirms, when married a long time or also a short time. Somewhere along the way one partner loses interest in the other spouse. So-yes- it hurts when you love that person and you get no love in return. Enjoy your evening my friend.
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Date: 7/13/2020 7:32:00 PM
If, when, and wherever I am willing to learn, as I grow as I let go, I am at my very best! As I allow for our Creator to have the sorrow within this life; as we let go of this effort, we continue to grow together. If ever, whenever, and just exactly wherever I reach out to, another, these two intentions consume us both, as we become friends. Then, amid this effort, we find ourselves, by letting ourselves go, to learn as we grow to appreciate one another. Signed: "The We Recovery"
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